Kevin M. Moran, MD



Sciatica services offered in The Woodlands, TX

Up to 40% of adults have sciatica, a common cause of lower back pain. Kevin M. Moran, MD, in The Woodlands, Texas, is an experienced fellowship-trained orthopedic spine surgeon specializing in diagnosing and treating sciatica with a conservative, minimally invasive approach. Healthy lifestyle changes and activity modification can provide lasting relief and restore mobility. Call Kevin M. Moran, MD, today to schedule a sciatica consultation, or book your appointment online.

My lower back and buttocks hurt. Could it be sciatica?

Lower back pain occurs for various reasons. But if the pain extends to your buttocks or is only on one side of your body, it might be sciatica. 

Sciatica occurs when your sciatic nerve –– which runs from your lower back to your feet –– gets pinched or compressed by a bone spur or a herniated disc. That pressure causes inflammation, resulting in pain and mobility problems.

What are the symptoms of sciatica?

Symptoms of sciatica include:

  • Tingling or numbness in your buttocks, legs, or feet
  • Abnormal or weak reflexes
  • Difficulty bending your foot inward or down
  • Difficulty standing on your tiptoes
  • Weakness when bending the knee
  • Burning in the lower back or buttocks

Sciatica pain usually affects one side of the body. For example, your left leg might feel “asleep” while your right leg feels fine. 

Who gets sciatica?

Sciatica can affect anyone, but several factors increase your risk, including being overweight, tobacco use, or being middle-aged. Lifestyle factors can also play a role. You’re more likely to develop sciatica if you work a physically demanding job or don’t exercise regularly. 

When should I see a specialist about sciatica?

Mild sciatica often improves with rest and activity modification. If your symptoms persist, make an appointment with Dr. Moran. That’s especially true if the pain is severe or occurs after an injury, like a car accident.

How does an orthopedic specialist diagnose sciatica?

Dr. Moran reviews your medical records and completes a physical exam. He checks your muscle strength and reflexes and has you do some easy exercises. For example, he might ask you to walk on your heels and toes. Sciatica pain typically worsens during these activities.

Next, Dr. Moran orders diagnostic imaging, like X-rays, CT scans, or an MRI. These procedures capture cross-sectional photos of your bones, joints, and soft tissues.

How is sciatica treated?

Dr. Moran treats sciatica using a conservative and minimally invasive approach. He might recommend:

  • Anti-inflammatory medications
  • Anti-seizure medications
  • Corticosteroid injections
  • Physical therapy
  • Ice and heat therapy
  • Stretching

Dr. Moran might recommend surgery if you have a bone spur or herniated disc pressing on your sciatic nerve. Removing the spur or portion of the disc can provide lasting relief and restore your mobility.

Call the office of Kevin M. Moran, MD, today to schedule a sciatica appointment, or book your visit online.